The Bullet Points 12.18.2020

  • It’s a girl!

On Friday, December 4th, Megan and her husband, Cory, welcomed their second child, Baylee Jaymes Sides, into the world. Momma and baby are happy and healthy! As excited as Megan and Cory are for their newborn, their son, Mason, may be flying the highest. Join us in saying congrats to Megan and her family!


  • How Should I Approach The Potential Changes In Tax Law Under A New Administration?

Now that we are past the election, we have received some questions around the potential changes to the tax law under a new administration. Proposed legislation has mentioned capital gains, corporate tax, and income tax. Check out the video below where Barry and Austin dive into the topic and share what we have been recommending to our clients. If you have any questions or comments, we would encourage you to reply to this email or give us a call at 615.370.4040.

  • Federal Reserve Notes

    After a two-day meeting this week, the Federal Reserve announced it would continue to buy at least $120 billion of bonds each month "until substantial further progress has been made toward the Committee's maximum employment and price stability goals," according to CNBC. The Federal Reserve also held benchmark interest rates near zero, as they had committed to not raising rates until inflation exceeds its 2% goal. Lastly, the committee elevated their outlook on the economy from their meeting in September, providing positive guidance for GDP and unemployment.


    In a holiday scramble that would make locating a Turbo Man action figure look easy, the new PlayStation 5 has been essentially unobtainable during this Christmas season. Since its release on November 12th, the console has been slowly dropping in stores, both online and retail, throughout the last month. Unfortunately, there hasn't been enough supply to meet the giant demand. Scalpers have been buying up the scarce supply and selling the product second-hand for $1,300 or $1,400, almost triple the retail price. One listing on eBay advertised ONLY the PlayStation packing for sale (with no console inside). The highest bid was $700. PlayStation's stock price hit a 19-year high on Wednesday, according to Bloomberg.


Please note, changes in tax laws or regulations may occur at any time and could substantially impact your situation.

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