Will We Have College Sports In The Fall?

Sports play a significant role in a lot of our lives. The competition, which doubles as entertainment and distraction, allows us to build character and friendships. With the PGA Tour and MLS back in action, and the MLB, NBA and NHL hopefully following suit soon, we turn our attention to college sports. Will we have college sports in the fall? Listen to Steve and Barry as they discuss the possibilities of the fall, and the value sports adds to our culture.

Read the full transcript below.

The value that sports plays, in not only our culture, but also just the values and the character that it builds, there’s so much good that can come from it. I think the demand at the dinner tables will be heard.

We will have some variation of it.
— Steve Alverson, CFP


Barry McCall: Steve, I wanted to ask your opinion on this. It is it's loosely business related, but it's more, I would call it, falling under the umbrella of wellness related for our clients. As a former college athlete, sports play a pretty significant role in our culture. It's an outlet for a lot of people, whether they view or participate, go to games, tailgate. follow teams, all of that type of thing. Will there be college sports in the fall? And I say that as a southerner because it seems culturally, that's much more significant in the south than perhaps in other parts of the country, but can we anticipate that? And what do you think that might look like?

Steve Alverson: Great question. This fall, I think as with everything in our country because this is America, the micro decisions, the day to day discussions that happen around the dinner table are going to drive a lot of what America does. I would say, especially in my home at the dinner table, there is a significant demand for sports entertainment.

Barry: For Distraction

Steve: As there is at your dinner table. I think it's a healthy distraction. I think it's good from elementary. The value that sports plays, in not only our culture, but also just the values and the character that it builds, there's so much good that can come from it. I think the demand at the dinner tables will be heard.

We will have some variation of it. I know the state of Texas has already said that they're going to have fall sports at a 25% capacity. I think we'll slowly start to see things like that. There'll certainly be some states that will say no right off the bat, but I think at the end of the day, just like everything else in our culture, the public demand will win. As long as the dinner table discussions are going that way, I think we will see sports in some way.

Barry: That's a really good way of putting it. And by bringing it up I don't mean to be flippant about what's going on culturally, because obviously we're dealing with a significant health issue, significant economic issue. But there are things like this, that we need outlets. We need to be busy physically, and to the extent that people are able to be doing things that just help them refresh their mind. I know sports has played a significant for a lot of people are just being able to get outside and do things, so that's why I asked the question. Thank you.


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