Bullet Points

The Bullet Points - 2/21/2020

The Bullet Points

  • Annual Portfolio Re-balancing: For clients who are invested in Ambassador portfolios, we are finalizing the process re-balancing the holdings in your portfolio to realign the funds to your original objective. As the funds in each portfolio perform differently over the course of a year, we like to re-balance in February to ensure you are invested appropriately. If you have any questions regarding the process, or you would like us to initiate a re-balance in a non-fee based account, please call us at 615-370-4040. 

  • Kickstarter Employees Become First White Collar Tech Workers to Unionize: Kickstarter employees voted to form a union with the Office and Professional Employees International Union by a final vote of 46 for the union, and 37 against. The international union represents more than 100,000 white-collar workers. Kickstarter CEO Azis Hasan said, "We support and respect this decision, and we are proud of the fair and democratic process that got us here... Our mission has been common ground for everyone here during this process, and it will continue to guide us as we enter this new phase together."

  • Over 2 Million Workers Granted Time Off to Vote on Election Day: 383 companies employing workers in every state in the US have signed up for nonpartisan movement Time to Vote, which helps employees vote on election day. Time to Vote members include Best Buy, Patagonia, Target, Walmart, and hundreds more. Accommodations will include paid time off on Election Day, a day with no meetings, or providing resources for mail-in ballots and early voting. 

  • A Town Where $500,000 a Year is Below Average: For the fourth straight year, Altherton topped Bloomberg's Richest Places annual index. With an annual household income of over $525,000, the town became the only community to surpass the half-million-dollar mark since Bloomberg started the index in 2017. Currently, the cheapest house on the market is listed for $2.5 million, according to Zillow.com. In order to make the top 100, a community needed an average household income of $220,000. 

  • U.S. Department of Transportation Releases Annual Report on Air Travel: In 2019, U.S. commercial airlines posted an on-time arrival rate of 79%, a slightly lower rate than in 2018. Hawaiian Airlines led the charge with 87.7 of the carrier's flights arriving on-time. In contrast, only 73.1% of Frontier Airlines flights arrived on-time. In addition, 1.9% of domestic flights were canceled in 2019, and 302 flights sat on the tarmac for more than three hours, an increase from the 202 tarmac delays in 2018. What was the longest tarmac delay? A United Airlines flight from Newark, N.J. to Milan, Italy sat on the tarmac for over 5 1/2 hours.  

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